
Cappadocia Journal of Education

Cappadocia Journal of Education (KAPED) in H.W. Wilson Index

Cappadocia Journal of Education (KAPED), the scientific and refereed publication of the Faculty of Education of our university, has been accepted to the H.W. Wilson Index Education Source as of 12/01/2022. To access the H.W. Wilson Index list: H.W. Wilson Education Source Database Coverage List

Education Source is the leading full-text research database designed for students, professionals and administrators in the educational sciences. The database covers all levels of education and educational specialisms such as multilingual education, health education and examination.

Cappadocia Journal of Education (KAPED) started its publication life in 2020.  KAPED, a peer-reviewed, scientific journal in which theoretical and applied original research articles, reviews and compilations in the field of education are published, will continue to be included in national and international indexes and databases in the following process.


We would like to thank the valuable scientists who publish and referee in our journal.


KAPED Editorial Board